female tennis player and tennis ball

Skrill's got game

Kick off one of Europe’s biggest tennis tournaments with Skrill. Get a physical Skrill Prepaid Mastercard® for free until 9 June and earn automatic cashback with the Mastercard Travel Rewards Program.

Get a free card

female tennis player and tennis ball
mobile phone with Skrill app open and Skrill Prepaid Mastercard

How to get a free Skrill Mastercard

  1. Log in to your account in the Skrill app
  2. Go to the card tab and choose Skrill Prepaid Mastercard
  3. Select 'Get your card' to receive a free physical card until 9 June.

Get a free card

Why get a Skrill Mastercard?

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1. Instant access

No need to wait for your physical card to arrive. Simply add the digital version of your card to Apple Pay or Google Pay™ to use it straight away.

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2. Secure spending

With no links to your bank account, your transactions and data are kept private. 

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3. Earn cashback around the world

Pay with your Skrill Mastercard and access the best deals all year round with the Mastercard Travel Rewards Program.

What is the Travel Rewards Program?

Unlock the best deals from the biggest brands. Simply pay with your physical Skrill Mastercard for fashion, restaurants, entertainment and more in 24 countries to earn easy cashback.  

Discover the benefits

woman at the airport looking at her phone