female hand holding poker cards and chips

09 Jul 2024

How to Play Stud Poker

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Stud poker, a popular game at both physical and online casinos, blends skill, strategy, and chance. This guide breaks down the essentials of stud poker, ensuring you're well-equipped to join the action and sharpen your skills.

Understanding the Basics of Stud Poker

Stud poker, unlike community card games like Texas Hold 'Em , involves players receiving a mix of face-up and face-down cards across multiple rounds. The primary objective is to form the best possible five-card hand to win the pot.

Players start with an initial deal followed by several rounds of betting and additional card deals. The hand rankings follow traditional poker rules, from high card to royal flush. Below we go through what happens at each round.

poker game with cards and chips and dealer

1. Starting the Game: Ante and Bring-In

Before any cards are dealt, each player contributes an ante, a small, forced bet that creates an initial pot. After the initial deal, the player with the lowest face-up card posts the bring-in bet, a mandatory bet to kickstart the action. The bring-in bet ensures there's immediate action, setting the stage for the betting rounds that follow.

dealer with chips giving out cards at poker game

2. Dealing the Cards and Initial Betting Round

Each player receives a combination of face-down and face-up cards. Typically, players start with two cards face down (hole cards) and one card face up.

The first betting round begins with the player showing the lowest face-up card, proceeding clockwise. Players can fold, call, or raise, setting the tempo for subsequent rounds.

3. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Streets: More Cards and Betting Rounds

Additional cards are dealt face up to each player on the third (fourth card), fourth (fifth card), and fifth streets (sixth card). By the end of the fifth street, each player has three face-down cards and four face-up cards. Betting starts with the player showing the highest-ranking hand in each round. This dynamic can shift rapidly as new cards are revealed, requiring players to adapt their strategies accordingly.

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4. The Final Betting Round and Showdown

After the fifth street, a final betting round ensues. This is the last chance for players to bet, call, or fold before the showdown. If multiple players remain after the final betting round, the showdown determines the winner. Players reveal their hole cards, and the best five-card hand wins the pot.

three men playing poker

5. Determining the Winner and Awarding the Pot

The player with the best five-card hand, using any combination of their face-up and face-down cards, wins the pot. In rare cases of identical hands, the pot is split equally among the winners.

Common Variations and House Rules

Stud poker has several popular variations, including Seven-Card Stud High-Low (where the highest and lowest hands split the pot) and Razz (where the lowest hand wins). House rules can vary, impacting elements like betting limits and card dealing procedures. It’s always best for players to familiarize themselves with specific house rules before playing.

Stud poker is a nuanced online casino game of chance requiring a blend of strategy and skill. Understanding its rules, betting structure, and variations can be crucial to playing the game, as is effective bankroll management. Practice regularly to explore the game's intricacies and improve your proficiency. Whether playing casually or competitively, each game offers valuable learning experiences. Embrace the challenge of stud poker and enjoy the thrill of mastering one of poker’s most strategic variants.

hand holding mobile phone with Skrill app open and poker cards and chips

For those looking to play stud poker online, Skrill is a convenient way to withdraw and deposit the necessary funds. It’s also accepted at some of the world’s leading online casinos and a new account can be created in seconds.

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