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09 Jul 2024

What Does it Mean to Hedge Your Bet in Sports Betting

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Hedging in sports betting is the practice of placing additional bets on the opposite outcome of your original wager. This is designed to ensure that, regardless of how the sports event pans out, bettors come away with at least some returns although losses are still possible.

How Does Hedging Work?

Hedging usually follows the below pattern.

1. Initial Bet: The bettor places an original wager on a specific outcome, such as betting on Team A to win a basketball game.

2. Changing Circumstances: As the event unfolds or as new information becomes available, the bettor might reassess their position. This could be due to a shift in odds, a change in team performance, or other factors that impact the likelihood of the original bet winning.

basketball player at a basketball game

3. Placing the Hedge Bet: To hedge, the bettor places an additional bet on a different outcome. For instance, after betting on Team A, they might bet on Team B to win. This additional bet is typically placed at different odds than the original bet.

4. Outcome and Returns: Regardless of the event's outcome, the bettor ensures they achieve a return. This doesn’t mean that hedging is a guaranteed way to cancel out or exceed a loss, but by having bets on multiple outcomes, bettors reduce the impact of the loss from the original bet.

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Types of Hedging Strategies

There are different approaches to hedging bets, each with its own implications:

  • Partial Hedge: In this strategy, you place a smaller bet on the opposite outcome than your initial wager.
  • Full Hedge: With a full hedge, you bet an equal or larger amount on the opposite outcome, effectively neutralizing your initial wager and aiming for a specific outcome, regardless of the result.

When to Hedge Your Bets

Deciding when to hedge your bets is a crucial aspect of successful sports betting. Here are some factors to consider:

man placing a bet on his mobile phone
  • Confidence in Initial Bet: If your confidence in your initial bet starts to waver, hedging can be a viable option to adjust your position.
  • Potential Outcomes and Associated Odds: Evaluate the potential outcomes and associated odds of the game or event. If the odds shift significantly in favor of the opposite outcome, hedging may present an opportunity to secure a desired result.

Hedging bets is a strategic tool in the world of sports betting, offering a way to manage and adjust positions based on changing circumstances. While it may not always be necessary, understanding and employing hedging techniques can provide flexibility as uncertain situations unfold. As with any betting strategy, it's essential to approach hedging with a disciplined and a well-informed mindset and using it will never guarantee that you will completely avoid losses.

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